More than 50 volunteers contributed countless hours toward making this summer's giant parish rummage sale a big success. Many more parishioners donated hundreds of items for the sale. Beginning about May 20, volunteers collected items daily, arranged for transportation when necessary, and sorted clothing, dishes and glassware, linens, toys and games, furniture, small appliances, and more in the Parish Center. Volunteers arranged to transport items when necessary and promoted the sale in newspapers and parish media, including social media. They had everything organized for a parish preview sale June 16-17 and the public sale June 22-24. Clean-up began the next day and continued for almost a month as unsold items were distributed to charities such as Friends of the Poor.
The big effort brought in $9,200 to support parish ministries and operating expenses. Our rummage sale benefits not only the parish treasury, but also people who depend upon bargain shopping to furnish their home and clothe their family. This year's sale also produced some new acquaintances among volunteers and created a good spirit.
Recently rummage sale volunteers gathered for a luncheon to celebrate their accomplishment and to maintain friendships. St John Vianney Parish thanks everyone who helped make the 2018 rummage sale a big success!